Monday, June 18, 2012

So, once again I'm behind. Whoops. Here's the latest and greatest from this past week. 

1. I made my second trip to the ER - didn't touch any ampules, but definitely spied them. 

2. I went back to the hospice center for the first time since Quiche moved home (my favorite and most memorable Peruvian from last year). Vanessa and I even had a "shadow" student! Let me explain: last week, there was a group of high school students from California working as missionaries here at Sacramento Santisimo.  One of their chaperones, named Matt, had just recently begun applying to nursing school and asked if he could come watch some nursing students in action; thus, Vanessa and I were chosen to show him the ropes. While there we took vitals, fed several patients through their NG tubes, suctioned a trach, and gave some massages. Needless to say, we didn't scare him off. Since last year the hospice has acquired a mascot - a 1 month old kitten! I was in heaven. 

3. On Sunday, we were given the day off and traveled 45 minutes to the ocean for a day at the beach. It was a highly enjoyable way to avoid homework and get some sunshine. We even had the opportunity to try the Peruvian alcoholic drink called a Pisco Sour, which had a very similar taste to a margarita - muy delicioso! Cheers to you dad, Happy (belated) Father's Day.

As they say, hasta luego!

I still get a little queasy looking at these guys...
my baby (Amy, this one's for you)

the world's cutest kitten
checking some vitals
a much needed vaca 

a pisco sour

my roommates

until next time...

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